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Product Stewardship 101
Welcome from John Gertsakis (0:45)
Housekeeping (1:22)
Learning Objectives
Section 1: An Introduction to Product Stewardship
Section 1: Outline (0:26)
Why do we need Product Stewardship?
What is Product Stewardship?
Who is responsible for Product Stewardship?
Product Stewardship and the Circular Economy
Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility
Relationship to Other Key Concepts
The Benefits of Product Stewardship in Australia
The Benefits of Product Stewardship — Environmental
The Benefits of Product Stewardship — Social
The Benefits of Product Stewardship — Economic
Section 1: Quiz
Section 2: Product Stewardship Across the Life Cycle
Section 2: Outline (0:25)
A Comprehensive Product Stewardship Approach
Types of Product Stewardship Action — Production
Types of Product Stewardship Action — Consumption
Types of Product Stewardship Action — Post-consumption
How are Product Stewardship Initiatives Implemented?
Individual Product Stewardship Initiatives
The Benefits of Individual Product Stewardship Initiatives
Collective Product Stewardship Schemes
The Benefits of Collective Product Stewardship Schemes
Section 2: Quiz
Section 3: The Policy Environment for Product Stewardship in Australia
Section 3: Outline (0:40)
Government Support of Product Stewardship Initiatives
The Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020
Environment Minister’s Priority List
National Product Stewardship Investment Fund
Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group
Section 3: Quiz
Section 4: Product Stewardship in Action
Section 4: Outline (0:32)
Voluntary Product Stewardship Initiatives
Accreditation of Voluntary Product Stewardship Schemes
Examples of Accredited Voluntary Product Stewardship Schemes
Container Deposit Schemes
Co-Regulated Product Stewardship Schemes
Co-Regulated Product Stewardship — National Computer and Television Recycling Scheme (NTCRS)
Co-Regulated Product Stewardship — Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation
Mandatory Product Stewardship
Section 4: Quiz
The Future of Product Stewardship - Priorities (0:48)
The Future of Product Stewardship - Priorities (continued)
Summary: Learning Outcomes
The Benefits of Product Stewardship — Social
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