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Key Elements of a Collective Product Stewardship Scheme
Welcome from John Gertsakis (0:41)
Learning Objectives
Section 1: What is Product Stewardship?
Section 1: Outline
What is Product Stewardship?
Product Stewardship and the Circular Economy
How are Product Stewardship initiatives implemented?
The Product Stewardship lifecycle
Types of Product Stewardship actions: Production
Types of Product Stewardship actions: Consumption
Types of Product Stewardship actions: Post-Consumption
Why would an industry choose a collective Product Stewardship approach?
Collective Product Stewardship schemes
Section 1: Quiz
Section 2: The regulatory environment for collective Product Stewardship initiatives in Australia
Section 2: Outline (0:22)
How is Government involved in Product Stewardship?
The Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 (RAWR Act)
The Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 (RAWR Act)
ACCC Authorisation for Collective Product Stewardship
Collective schemes with ACCC authorisation
Government accreditation of voluntary, industry-led Product Stewardship initiatives
Accredited Product Stewardship in Australia
Section 2: Quiz
Section 3: The ‘Free-riders’ Challenge
Section 3: Outline
The impact of free-riders
Factors that can lead to free-riders
Strategies to overcome free-riders
Strategies to overcome free-riders (continued)
Strategies to overcome free-riders (continued)
What about regulation?
Examples of the effectiveness of regulation
Section 3: Quiz
Section 4: Case Studies
Section 4: Outline
Case study: Used Oil
Used Oil: Regulatory basis
Used Oil: Environmental and economic benefits
Used Oil: Scheme recommendations
Case study: National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS)
NTCRS: Regulatory basis
NTCRS: Approved Co-Regulatory Arrangements
NTCRS: Expectations of Co-Regulatory Arrangements
NTCRS: Environmental and economic benefits
Case Study: Return and Earn (New South Wales)
Return and Earn: Roles and responsibilities
Return and Earn: Scheme reporting
Return and Earn: Next steps
Case Study: MobileMuster
MobileMuster: Objectives
MobileMuster: Impact and engagement
Case Study: Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme
Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme: Key Objectives
Tyre Stewardship Scheme: Key Performance Indicators
Tyre Stewardship Scheme: Next Steps
Case study takeaways
The Future of Product Stewardship - Priorities
The Future of Product Stewardship - Priorities (continued)
Summary: Learning Outcomes
NTCRS: Regulatory basis
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